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Iceland Welcomes ALL Vaccinated Visitors!

Updated: Apr 28, 2021

This just in: Iceland Welcomes vaccinated visitors outside of Schengen. Asked when this would take effect: Minister of Justice said: THIS WEEK! And, wait for it, this also applies for certificate of antibodies for COVID-19.

It's no secret this is something the Pink Iceland team has anxiously been waiting for and there were more than a few happy tears amongst us when the news came! Our newlyweds to be and travellers come largely from the UK and USA and we have missed them all so much and are so happy to be able to welcome them back.

The news were presented after a meeting in the Icelandic government just this morning:

Those who are vaccinated and live outside the Schengen area may come to Iceland, provided they have a valid certificate to that effect. This was said by Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, Minister of Justice, after the government meeting this morning.

Áslaug was asked if the government was there to respond to pressure from the tourism industry. "We, the Minister of Health, agreed on this, to take the same certificates valid, regardless of whether it is from Europe or abroad."

The certificates that will be accepted are those already approved by the European Medicines Agency.

1. Comirnaty; Pfizer BioNTech

2. COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna

3. COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca

4. COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen

There is no time like the present to sign up, line up or do whatever you can to get in line for the vaccine cause you don't know how excited we are to see all of you! You truly don't know it!!! (You can't imagine how many happy emojis we want to put here)!!

With a whole lot of hope for 2021

The Pink Iceland team

Pink Iceland team
Pink Iceland is extremely excited about the decision to allow all vaccinated visitors to enter Iceland, our guests are mostly from the USA and the UK and we are so happy to be able to welcome them.


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