Pink Iceland strives to be the country’s foremost travel agent, tour operator, event and wedding planner for LGBTQI travelers. Our goal is to always offer an exemplary service, treating our guests with the utmost respect while offering a good quality product.
Pink Iceland has clear policies regarding its responsibilities to environmental and humanitarian issues. These are reflected in the services on offer and the general attitude of the company’s owners and staff.
Pink Iceland is, and will remain a beautiful, vibrant, fun and caring place of work where both owners and staff ambitiously work towards offering outstanding services to its guests
Pink Iceland is a privately owned company and as such it needs to make a profit. This profit pays the salaries of its staff, the rent, the wonderful and informative Pink Iceland website not to mention copious amounts of coffee for the owners. Most of Pink Iceland's money is made through commissions. This is how it works: If our guests let us book their tours, activities, and accommodation we collect a small (usually 10-15%) commission of the price. This basically means that you pay the same price, regardless of whether you book directly - or through us. You may think this might cause us to recommend really expensive accommodation and tours. Not so. We promise to do our utmost to come up with a plan that suits you, and your budget. We would never recommend anything without full confidence and/or personal experience of what's on offer. Our primary goal is working with and for the LGBTQI community and without the community's support or goodwill we wouldn't have lasted six months in the business. It is not least through word of mouth that we grow stronger every day. Our hope is that after reading this you too will ask for our recommendations and advice and/or book your holiday through us.
Pink Iceland is founded on the belief that more can be done to welcome LGBTQI visitors to Iceland. We strive to to offer the best available services to our guests, working with suppliers who respect and adhere to human and civil rights.
We at Pink Iceland have committed ourselves to contributing to LGBTQI communities around the world in whatever way we can. This has been done with monetary donations, education about what we've achieved in this country and how we went about it and through on-going volunteer work for Samtökin'78 the national LGBTQI organization in Iceland as well as Reykjavik Pride Week where we offer our time and expertise for various events and causes. We constantly revise our policies, processes and activities and actively work towards implementing these. Our human rights commitments may often go unnoticed but when applicable we update our audience about the work we undertake through our social media outlets and website.
Pink Iceland strives to be the country’s foremost travel agent, tour operator, event and wedding planner for LGBTQI travelers. Our goal is to always offer an exemplary service, treating our guests with the utmost respect while offering a good quality product.
Pink Iceland has clear policies regarding its responsibilities to environmental and humanitarian issues. These are reflected in the services on offer and the general attitude of the company’s owners and staff.
Pink Iceland is, and will remain a beautiful, vibrant, fun and caring place of work where both owners and staff ambitiously work towards offering outstanding services to its guests
Pink Iceland is a privately owned company and as such it needs to make a profit. This profit pays the salaries of its staff, the rent, the wonderful and informative Pink Iceland website not to mention copious amounts of coffee for the owners. Most of Pink Iceland's money is made through commissions. This is how it works: If our guests let us book their tours, activities, and accommodation we collect a small (usually 10-15%) commission of the price. This basically means that you pay the same price, regardless of whether you book directly - or through us. You may think this might cause us to recommend really expensive accommodation and tours. Not so. We promise to do our utmost to come up with a plan that suits you, and your budget. We would never recommend anything without full confidence and/or personal experience of what's on offer. Our primary goal is working with and for the LGBTQI community and without the community's support or goodwill we wouldn't have lasted six months in the business. It is not least through word of mouth that we grow stronger every day. Our hope is that after reading this you too will ask for our recommendations and advice and/or book your holiday through us.
Pink Iceland is founded on the belief that more can be done to welcome LGBTQI visitors to Iceland. We strive to to offer the best available services to our guests, working with suppliers who respect and adhere to human and civil rights.
We at Pink Iceland have committed ourselves to contributing to LGBTQI communities around the world in whatever way we can. This has been done with monetary donations, education about what we've achieved in this country and how we went about it and through on-going volunteer work for Samtökin'78 the national LGBTQI organization in Iceland as well as Reykjavik Pride Week where we offer our time and expertise for various events and causes. We constantly revise our policies, processes and activities and actively work towards implementing these. Our human rights commitments may often go unnoticed but when applicable we update our audience about the work we undertake through our social media outlets and website.
Pink Tips
Pink Iceland's tips to make your stay in Reykjavík more enjoyable. We recommend starting your trip with a visit to the Pink Iceland office in Hverfisgata 39, in the Reykjavík city centre. If you need any more tips, feel free to email, or reach out on social and let us make you reservation for you to guarantee the extra pink service. If you take our recommendations make sure you let them know who sent you! For practical information check out our Pink advice.
The National LGBT+ Association is located on Suðurgata 3, right by Reykjavik City Hall. They have an open house on Thursdays. You can reach them via email at skrifstofa@samtokin78.is
Everything you need to plan a fabulous gay trip to Reykjavik: LGBTQ+ bars & clubs, queer events, places to stay, travel highlights and more…
Maybe the best coffee in Reykjavik. On sunny days we recommend you get some pastries from the nearby Brauð og Co and a takeaway cup from Reykjavik Roasters and sit outside. It's the best.

All you need to plan a fabulous gay trip to Iceland with all the facts and unmissable sights for LGBTQ+ travelers
Culture & activities

HARPA - Reykjavik Concert Hall & Conference Centre
We highly recommend you visit the amazing Harpa while in Iceland. This stunning building houses Reykjavík's best concert and conference venues, two great restaurants, an amazing cocktail bar and stunning views all around. Drop by, be bedazzled by the building and see if something is on you'd like to hear/see/enjoy. Click here for listings.

Don't miss out on the great opportunity that are Reykjavik's public swimming pools. There is one located in the city centre, Sundhöllin, and then a more luxurious one a 20 minute walk from Reykjavik city centre is Laugardalslaug.
Bars / Clubs

APPY HOUR – The happy hour app
This App brings you information about happy hour in Reykjavík bars to your phone. It‘s brilliant, it tells you what, how much and how long! The Pink team recommends this highly.
Click for Android

KIKI Queer Bar - Laugavegur 22 2nd & 3rd floor
Kiki Queer bar is Pink Iceland's favourite LGBT bar/dance club! Kiki gives you a chance to dance the night away in great company of the locals, a must visit when experiencing the famous Reykjavik nightlife!

Kaldi bar- Laugavegur 20b (across from Kiki)
Kaldi is one of Pink Iceland's favourite bars and for many reasons, but mostly the beer, try their draft beer, it's delicious!
Opening hours: Sun -Thu: 12pm - 1:00am Fri & Sat: 12pm - 3am

SLIPPBARINN - Icelandair Hotel Reykjavík Marina
Slippbarinn is a wonderful new addition to the bar scene in Reykjavík. A truly cosmopolitan hang-out where locals, foreigners, gay and straight people mix. Great food, great drinks, great interiors, great atmosphere. We definitely recommend this place for a fabulous night out.
Wine & Dine

KOL RESTAURANT - Skólavörðustígur 40
The cuisine is feel good comfort food with a twist on classic cuisine.
The menu offers a variety of starters, salads, fish, steaks and desserts.

GRILLMARKET - Lækjargata 2a
The Grillmarket works closely with local farmers, buying their produce directly from the farm. The Grillmarket highlights the origin of each product while using fire, smoke, fire logs and coal.
Let Pink Iceland make your reservation!

FISHMARKET - Lækjargata 4
The Fishmarket, like its sister restaurant, The Grillmarket buys its produce directly from fishermen and farmers to prepare world class dishes. Highly recommended.
Let Pink Iceland make your reservation!

JÓMFRÚIN - Lækjargata 4
Gay owned restaurant specialized in open Danish sandwiches. Jómfrúin has been around for a long time and is a favorite among locals and tourists alike.
Let Pink Iceland make your reservation!

ICELANDIC FISH & CHIPS - Tryggvagata 11
Icelandic Fish and Chips is an organic bistro offering this traditional dish in a healthier way. Their batter is made from spelt and barley, giving it a unique light and crispness as well as health benefits from the more complex carbs in these grains. - Friendly Carbs! Gotta love those.
Let Pink Iceland make your reservation!

BÆJARINS BEZTU - The world famous hot dog stand
The best hot dog in Iceland – The famous hot dog stand where Clinton had his hot dog while visiting the country is right next to Kolaportið. They truly have great hot dogs and Pink Iceland recommends you order „One with everything on and a coke“.
If there is a line.. it's worth the wait!
AALTO BISTRO - The Nordic House
In true New Nordic style, the food at AALTO Bistro draws on fresh, local, healthy produce, ingredients which change with the season. Visitors to in can sample for themselves the work of creative chef Sveinn Kjartansson in the form of delicious and delightful fresh lunch specials and during the day.
Let Pink Iceland make your reservation!
ÍSLENSKI BARINN - Ingólfsstræti 1a
Íslenski barinn, or the Icelandic Bar, offers delicious traditional Icelandic meals with a unique twist as well as a great selection of Icelandic beers and liquor. A favorite among locals as well as guests.
Shop 'til you drop

IÐA ZIMSEN - Vesturgata 2a
Lesbian owned book and giftshop.
Iða Zimsen also has a great café.
Open every day from 9AM - 10PM

FÓTÓGRAFÍ - Skólavörðurstígur 22
Great photos from Reykjavík and Iceland. Gay friendly.
Random opening hours from Monday - Saturday, there is a number on the door if you want to take a look, don't hesitate to call it.
The store is run by Ari, a great friend of Pink Iceland. Make sure you get a signed copy of his amazing book "Shot in Reykjavik"!

KOLAPORTIÐ - Flea market by the harbour
On the weekends people love a stroll in the city centre of Reykjavík. That stroll often entails a stop by Kolaportið Fleamarket down by the harbour. Our favourite part about the Kolaport is the Icelandic food court (maybe if you‘re lucky you can taste some shark) and the handknitted Icelandic woolen sweaters. Open Sat and Sun from 11:00 - 17:00
Icelandic products online

NAMMI.IS - Online
If you've fallen in love with some Icelandic product during your stay or you want to try something out before your trip to Iceland - namm.is is the place to shop!
Enjoy the best of what Iceland has to offer today! Shop Icelandic.