Pink Iceland strives to be the country’s foremost travel agent, tour operator, event and wedding planner for LGBTQI travelers. Our goal is to always offer an exemplary service, treating our guests with the utmost respect while offering a good quality product.
Pink Iceland has clear policies regarding its responsibilities to environmental and humanitarian issues. These are reflected in the services on offer and the general attitude of the company’s owners and staff.
Pink Iceland is, and will remain a beautiful, vibrant, fun and caring place of work where both owners and staff ambitiously work towards offering outstanding services to its guests
Pink Iceland is a privately owned company and as such it needs to make a profit. This profit pays the salaries of its staff, the rent, the wonderful and informative Pink Iceland website not to mention copious amounts of coffee for the owners. Most of Pink Iceland's money is made through commissions. This is how it works: If our guests let us book their tours, activities, and accommodation we collect a small (usually 10-15%) commission of the price. This basically means that you pay the same price, regardless of whether you book directly - or through us. You may think this might cause us to recommend really expensive accommodation and tours. Not so. We promise to do our utmost to come up with a plan that suits you, and your budget. We would never recommend anything without full confidence and/or personal experience of what's on offer. Our primary goal is working with and for the LGBTQI community and without the community's support or goodwill we wouldn't have lasted six months in the business. It is not least through word of mouth that we grow stronger every day. Our hope is that after reading this you too will ask for our recommendations and advice and/or book your holiday through us.
Pink Iceland is founded on the belief that more can be done to welcome LGBTQI visitors to Iceland. We strive to to offer the best available services to our guests, working with suppliers who respect and adhere to human and civil rights.
We at Pink Iceland have committed ourselves to contributing to LGBTQI communities around the world in whatever way we can. This has been done with monetary donations, education about what we've achieved in this country and how we went about it and through on-going volunteer work for Samtökin'78 the national LGBTQI organization in Iceland as well as Reykjavik Pride Week where we offer our time and expertise for various events and causes. We constantly revise our policies, processes and activities and actively work towards implementing these. Our human rights commitments may often go unnoticed but when applicable we update our audience about the work we undertake through our social media outlets and website.
Pink Iceland strives to be the country’s foremost travel agent, tour operator, event and wedding planner for LGBTQI travelers. Our goal is to always offer an exemplary service, treating our guests with the utmost respect while offering a good quality product.
Pink Iceland has clear policies regarding its responsibilities to environmental and humanitarian issues. These are reflected in the services on offer and the general attitude of the company’s owners and staff.
Pink Iceland is, and will remain a beautiful, vibrant, fun and caring place of work where both owners and staff ambitiously work towards offering outstanding services to its guests
Pink Iceland is a privately owned company and as such it needs to make a profit. This profit pays the salaries of its staff, the rent, the wonderful and informative Pink Iceland website not to mention copious amounts of coffee for the owners. Most of Pink Iceland's money is made through commissions. This is how it works: If our guests let us book their tours, activities, and accommodation we collect a small (usually 10-15%) commission of the price. This basically means that you pay the same price, regardless of whether you book directly - or through us. You may think this might cause us to recommend really expensive accommodation and tours. Not so. We promise to do our utmost to come up with a plan that suits you, and your budget. We would never recommend anything without full confidence and/or personal experience of what's on offer. Our primary goal is working with and for the LGBTQI community and without the community's support or goodwill we wouldn't have lasted six months in the business. It is not least through word of mouth that we grow stronger every day. Our hope is that after reading this you too will ask for our recommendations and advice and/or book your holiday through us.
Pink Iceland is founded on the belief that more can be done to welcome LGBTQI visitors to Iceland. We strive to to offer the best available services to our guests, working with suppliers who respect and adhere to human and civil rights.
We at Pink Iceland have committed ourselves to contributing to LGBTQI communities around the world in whatever way we can. This has been done with monetary donations, education about what we've achieved in this country and how we went about it and through on-going volunteer work for Samtökin'78 the national LGBTQI organization in Iceland as well as Reykjavik Pride Week where we offer our time and expertise for various events and causes. We constantly revise our policies, processes and activities and actively work towards implementing these. Our human rights commitments may often go unnoticed but when applicable we update our audience about the work we undertake through our social media outlets and website.

This year we have the honour of celebrating our 1000th wedding. We are grateful for the trust couples have shown us these past 12 years and for allowing us to play such a big part in celebrating their love. We realise the kind of celebrations we help plan are out of reach for many couples, not least those from within the queer community we belong to and proudly serve. In celebration of this milestone we are looking for a couple who currently do not have the means or familial support to celebrate their love and want to help them plan the wedding of their dreams in Iceland, all expenses paid. Nominations are welcome through our social media, email or right here:
While this wedding giveaway may look like a big PR stunt its main purpose is not to bring in more business for Pink Iceland. We are booked, blessed and eternally grateful. Our primary goal is to advocate for, show and celebrate queer love. And of the thousands of ways this can be done - weddings are what we're best at. We hope this stunt goes viral in all the right ways and shows the world the love, support and joy we as a queer community posess and freely share.
The lucky couple will receive:
Return flights to Iceland
5 x nights accommodation
All meals during their stay
A wedding ceremony
An internationally recognised wedding certificate*
A wedding reception dinner for the couple and up to 20 guests**
A wedding party with 100s of guests celebrating their love
A full day of wedding photography
A full day of wedding videography
Their choice of private tours while in Iceland
*Certain paperwork must be presented in order to make the wedding legally binding. If the correct paperwork cannot be obtained or if the couple chooses the ceremony can be symbolic. A wedding certificate will only be valid in countries where queer weddings are legal.
**Flights or accommodation for guests will not be covered but of course the couple's family and friends are more than welcome to join the celebration.